We are on a mission to have four impacts in the life of Good-doers.

Know how a good doer score will cause a hurricane.


Is it our responsibility as a society to make sure we recognize and celebrate right heroes?


Would this new verifiable digital identity bring a new trust era, bringing unthinkable rewards?


Can collaborated 'micro-action' be as path breaking as some believe it to be?

Help them back

Should good doers be helped before others, with a concerted effort 'when they need it' ?

Would we still say that doing-good should go unnoticed?

We have an aim to provide unprecedented benefits to those who help others, so that a virtuous circle is created and more and more people are encouraged to do good.

We do book keeping for your good-deeds, and record every do-good reference/testimonial/donation receipt/verifiable volunteer time.

We assign you a do-good score, which you can use anywhere in the world or on our platform.